
Cloud Computing help

By nedwos Marketing

January 07, 2017

Cloud Computing.  Gosh, all around everyone is talking about Cloud Computing

What do you do? Where can you find more information? More importantly, who can you trust to be impartial and have your best interests at heart?

Who are the main cloud computing players?

nedwos have been researching and testing the three major cloud computing providers – Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure (MS Azure).

This includes the “basics” of how your email is handled, how documents can be generated and where your documents are stored.

These are some of the first ways to get your business “in the cloud”. Yet there is lots more that can be achieved too.

What else can I do?

Now this is an interesting question! The answer is “Anything that you can do using local servers”.

Unfortunately, that answer doesn’t help – like asking a police officer for directions to the train station and being told “Just by the Police Station” when you don’t know where the Police Station is!

In reality, this depends on how advanced your business is and what systems and software you use or are intending to use. Most modern applications run using a browser (effectively already in the cloud) and if you have developed specific software for your business, this will probably be able to be hosted in the cloud using virtual machines.

If you have written your own software, now may the time to reevaluate this and perhaps either look for a modern package with developed add-ons or port to a cloud computing environment.  Sometimes, it may be suitable to create cloud machines that replace your current on-site servers to improve business continuity, performance and availability.

nedwos can help you evaluate and select appropriate solutions.

Where do I go from here?

Simply complete this short form to give us some background information and we’ll contact you to arrange an exploratory meeting to see where we can work with you to improve your business.